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Taking 100% responsibility for your life is Jack’s most powerful principle.

Jack’s Success Pack teaches you to learn how to take 100% responsibility for your life with the equation, E+R=O with over 90 minutes of Jack’s teachings.




This audio teaches you how you can change the outcomes you get in life by simply changing your responses. Listen Now


Watch Jack explain how you can stop blaming and complaining about negative events happening in your life at his Breakthrough to Success seminar. Watch Now


Listen to Jack answer real-world questions about taking 100% responsibility from people just like you. Learn Now


Take action now! Only you have the power to change your life.

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Without a life purpose, it's easy to get sidetracked on your journey.

Jack’s Success Pack teaches you how discovering and living your life purpose can keep you on track to living a life filled with excitement and joy. Over 50 minutes of audio exercises will get you started.




Listen to Jack answer questions from real people who are striving to establish their life purpose and apply it to their daily lives. Listen Now


Apply insightful exercises from Jack's Success Pack to define a powerful life purpose. Apply Now


Listen to Jack’s guidance on getting everything in your life to
fall into place. Learn Now


Don’t wait another minute! Learn more about living your life purpose, creating more joy, and more happiness in your world.

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Clarify your vision and define goals to achieve the success you deserve.

Once you know your life purpose, you have to set measurable goals and take action to achieve them. Jack's Success Pack teaches you to clarify a vision to achieve success, with 80 minutes of audio & video teaching, and powerful exercises.




Listen as Jack explains how to create a Breakthrough Goal that will quantum leap your progress within the next year. Listen Now


Watch Jack guide you to create goals in each of the 7 key areas of your vision at his Breakthrough to Success Seminar. Watch Now


Listen to Jack answer real-world questions about the power of goal setting and tips for staying on track with your goals and dreams every day. Learn Now


Join now to get your immediate free access to Jack’s Success Pack!

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Get started on accomplishing your life goals.


Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation.

Negative thoughts can easily become a false personal truth. Jack’s Success Pack teaches you to create and use affirmations to send out vibrations for getting you what you want in life, with over 50 minutes of audio and a powerful exercise.




Watch Jack explain the guidelines for creating and using affirmations to visualize achieving your goals at his Breakthrough to Success seminar. Watch Now


Unlock your potential by creating your own positive affirmations that will replace your limiting beliefs and negative self-talk to affirm who you want to be. Create Now


Listen to Jack answer real-world questions and give suggestion about applying positive affirmations to your daily life. Listen Now


Learn to create positive affirmations to attract the life of your dreams.

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Learn to make more time for what matters most in your life.

To stay focused and have more balance in your life, you need to manage your time in a new way. Jack’s Success Pack teaches you how to divide your time into three kinds of days: Best Results Days, Preparation Days, and Rest & Recreation Days, with over one hour of teaching and in-depth exercises.




Listen to Jack explain how to distribute your time between the three different types and understand the proper Action Steps. Learn Now


Watch a helpful video of Jack teaching the importance of using effective time management at his 7-day event, Breakthrough to Success. Watch Now


Listen to Jack help regular people with questions about applying effective time management, planning, and prioritization in their lives. Listen Now


Don’t waste time! Learn to make more time for what matters most in your life!

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